What I Learned at my First Job


October 27, 2015

5 lessons you might learn at your first job // by gabriella

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  1. Arielle says:

    Reading this I was reminded of two things. One – my first summer job at an ice cream parlor, which basically consisted of a lot of taste testing and a LOT of singing along to Avril Lavigne. Two – while I’ve been in my current job for over 7 (!) years, I’m new to the blogging world and these tips work just as well as I start this new venture/ hustle.

    • gabriella says:

      Oh my gosh, that sounds like a great first summer job! And yay for being new to blogging! Isn’t it such a wonderful space full of creative people? I love it 🙂


  2. natalie says:

    Love these lessons. They’re so completely true no matter where you start. I think even first jobs working retail, or waitressing, anything like that..you really do learn the same types of things wherever you are! I can definitely relate to the respect factor and just working well with people – it’s the most important!

    • gabriella says:

      You really do! I had a few not so glamorous jobs, but learned valuable lessons from each and every one. #worthit
