Guys. This grilled pineapple mint caipirinha is good. I mean, really good. After visiting Brasil five times in the past few years (my family lives in Belo Horizonte, or BH if you’re familiar – or the bar capitol of the country if you’re The New York Times), I’m well-versed in the caipirinha game. And by that, I mean I’m playing in varsity and drinking these babies like juice.
Might not be the best idea, but they sure are darn delicious.
We, being me and my fella, T., made these while grilling our favorite homemade peach burgers. What’s in a peach burger you ask? More on that to come later.
These babies paired perfectly with our sweet burgers and yummy flavorful chips from Trader Joe’s, and they only took about 10 minutes!
The recipe is fairly simple and doesn’t take any sort of bartending experience to make. Really. Check it out below.
What caipirinha flavors will you be testing out this summer?