Working on your totally awesome, brand spankin’ new social media strategy? Well perfect timing! Because today we’re talking all about scheduling social media posts and why it’s worth it. Have you been sharing your content in real time up until now? Well, here are 3 reasons why you should start thinking about scheduling your social media content in advance.
Things don’t go as planned
If you think you’ll have time throughout the day to check in and share your blog content organically, perfect! But, does that always happen? I’m guessing not. We all have those days – the ones when time flies by even faster than anticipated. You might start the day anticipating giving 10 minutes here and there to worry about scheduling social media posts, but then the day gets away from you. You get an email about a collaboration, or perhaps you have an unexpected call with a potential client, or really anything else pops up that monopolizes your attention.
The point? I get it. It happens! So plan ahead, and if you have those extra 10 minutes here and there – wonderful! If not, then you’ve already taken care of your scheduling earlier that morning.
Focus on proactive engagement
Because I spend about 30 minutes in the morning scheduling social media posts with content from my own blog, my favorite daily reads, and other miscellaneous items, when I do have those few minutes scattered throughout the day to check in on my personal social – I can use those few minutes to focus on proactive engagement, which is a must.
Think of it this way – when you post your content, you want others to engage with it, right? Well, that’s what everyone else is thinking! Show your favorite bloggers you care about their content, and hopefully they’ll engage with your content as well! Simple, right? But proactive engagement is often forgotten.
Make sure you actually do it
Because I’m so used to scheduling my content in the mornings now, I realize that if something pops up and I’m not able to do so, I often don’t share anything on those days. Yikes! You should be taking advantage of social as much as you can, without going overboard.
Do you schedule your social media posts? If so, how has it helped you free up time throughout your day? If not, what’s keeping you from scheduling social posts?
Some positive points raise here, and the actually proactive engagement is what makes it all worth while, right?
Buckets & Spades
Thanks, Matt! And absolutely. Proactive engagement is my favorite – that’s how I find so many new blogs to follow and am able to really connect with the people behind them.
Mat** 😉
I must say you have very interesting posts here. Your website can go viral.
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