A Spiced Tequila Chocktail is exactly what I need today. Perhaps you do, too? It’s been a rough one this week, y’all. I’m going to be completely honest. It’s been non-stop, double-booked craziness for the past 5 days and I’m drained. I know I’m drained because I’m pretty sure my body is telling me to slow it down. How do I know this? Because yesterday I got hit with the worst cold I think I’ve ever had. It came on so quickly; one minute I was enjoying sushi on a patio downtown, and two hours later BAM. Head cold, stuffy, headache, runny nose, dizziness – the works. It’s like my cold wanted to one-up me or something. How rude.
Even though when I have a cold like this I know I should be…say…enjoying some healthy fresh juices, instead I want to cozy up on the couch with this Spiced Tequila Chocktail and finish reading Gone Girl. Yes – I finally gave in and started reading Gone Girl this month and I can barely put it down! Now I just wish I had time this weekend to enjoy it. Perhaps I’ll stay up late to read it – that’s how good it is. If you’ve read it (no spoilers!), I want to know what you thought of it! I hope I’m looking forward to a great ending.
While it’s been a tough week, I’m still looking forward to this weekend that’ll be full of calligraphy (!!), kayaking (for the first time, I’m only slightly scared), and some pretty sweet sox tickets thanks to my girl, K. I’ll be snapchatting my way through my adventurous weekend – I hope you’ll tune in! (Snapchat 👻: bygabriellaco)
And you know, here’s the recipe for what you came here for – the Spiced Tequila Chocktail! It’s a tasty treat with a surprise ingredient: Almond milk! Give it a try before you knock it.
Now that you’re well-equipped to whip up a tasty, decadent summer chocktail (how fun is that word?), I hope you’re able to kick off your weekend the right way! I’ll be attempting to kick this cold in order to enjoy my very first calligraphy workshop with Christie of Swell Anchor Studio! Hooray!
Cheers, y’all!