The Importance of Making Time


April 19, 2016

The importance of making time for what matters /

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  1. Corina Nika says:

    You’re describing pretty much my daily life! This year though i’m doing my best to change everything around and it’s working nicely so far! There’s nothing more important to have some time to relax our brains

    • gabriella says:

      Agreed! I need to keep pushing to do this more and more. I’ve been pretty bad at it this past week, but hoping it calms down soon!


  2. Matthew Pike says:

    Do you find it more productive getting up early and going to bed “early” than staying up late? I sure do. I’m not a late person at all.

    Buckets & Spades

    • gabriella says:

      Definitely. I’m much more productive in the mornings. However, lately it’s been an early to rise, late to get to bed kind of thing. I can certainly tell I start to lose steam if it keeps on for too long.
